Sulfur Hexafluoride

I’ve been watching Mythbusters via Netflix Streaming all month and I love these guys.

An open letter to Shambot

wild thang

Where the Wild Things Are

thanks to my lack of a full time job, I managed to catch the trailer for Spike Jonze’s film adaptation of Where The Wild Things Are on… of all things… the Ellen Degeneres show? She’s awesome, no doubt, but it really caught me by surprise! Either way, I will be sad if this movie doesn’t make me cry from start to finish like the trailer made me want to. Once the it hits the web you should all watch it, it gave me goosebumps for realsies! HERE IT IS OKAY GO WATCH IT NOWWWWW

To tide you over while the hackerz are doing their business, here is an early animation test, film stills, and (in honor of Lady Degeneres), Dennis Quaid making a fool of himself… DENNIS QUAID IS HERE.

Words and Phrases That May or May Not Have Left My Mouth or be on

I recognize that from time to time, I don’t make any sense. I just start rambling and making up weird shit for laffs. Sometimes, though, I stumble on lil’ gold mines (the all-time high score belongs to SHAMBOT!). Here are a few of my semi-recent favorites, and if you’ve got any, I’d love to hear about them! (more…)

Bill Rude on The Crystal Skull

“I am considering calling child protective services for you not recognizing why Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull is DICK.” -Bill Rude

My friend Bill got a Facebook message from a friend of his asking why Indiana Jones and The Crystal Skull was so, in her opinion, unfairly panned.

Bill’s response speaks for itself.

cute animals rule the internat

you guys probably already know about zooborns already, but if you don’t, it’s time you go. There is a baby anteater. Frick that thing is adorable. Pictured above, of course, is a baby tawny frogmouth. Obviously this is the best kind of frogmouth.


This is a cool thing:

It’s a blog by a guy who draws a different character every day. SEE IF YOU CAN NAME THEM ALL!

There is some cool stuff on his regular website, too.

Nerd Alert! Promo

If you’re super bored and want to see our new 30 second promo ad produced by our friend Evan Meaney, go here!

I get beaten a lot on this show.  It’s cool though.

fun with fonts: funt

A couple of font-related goodies:

Periodic Table of the Fontements

Have patience with this one, it will pay off.

Watch Font Conference on CollegeHumor

I couldn’t keep a secret…

Hey, Shambot. Er…

Hello everyone! I was going to keep this a secret, but I figured it would be better to involve everyone so it’s not a selfish way for me to get you guys to like me (even more! :D)

I’m putting together a book of the best Shambot posts to date. At first I just wanted this project to be a way for me to practice my typography. I thought our blog is a good source of text and image so I was going to lay out a few spreads and play around with things. But I actually think it would be a super fun project for us all to come together and work on. I’ll be doing the layout of the book, but if you guys want to contribute photos, descriptions of older photos, drawings, maybe footnotes? (like what happened after this post was initially written) that would be really awesome.

Right now the images above are just some dummy spreads I put together. Although, I do like the cover since it is our logo/fav icon. The five names that I have in the ‘table of contents’ at this point were the authors of posts that were my initial pick. They weren’t necessarily my favorite but they all had a good amount of text and some cool images. For example, here is the spread I made for Ben (using the original title of the blog post):
Ben's Spread

It still needs a bit of work. I’m not sure how I feel about the images lining up directly with the grey box. But it feels like… kind of cool and hip to me. Not sure if that’s a universal feeling. You will also notice the comments section over on the right side!

If you guys are interested, I guess we need to go through and pick everyone’s favorite posts. Seeing as we all have quite a few pages of history, don’t go crazy with it. Just kind of browse around and let me know if you find anything that absolutely needs to be in the book. And when I say book, I do want to get this printed somehow. We can all have a copy and reflect on how cool we are. Maybe there could also be a bio section. Who we were when we first started the blog and what we’re up to now. INTERESTING.

Also, if we did a yearly collection HOW FRICKIN’ COOL WOULD THAT BE? I think everyone needs to start posting on Shambot MUCH more often. Me included. Then we’ll have more to choose from in the future for our anthology.

EDIT:// Help me write the intro thing on the table of contents! I’m bad with words. I forgot to change Cedar Rapids to Iowa City. Listing the cities might not even be important.