Shambot! » Angie Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:14:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Here’s what I do at work! Mon, 06 Apr 2009 00:17:40 +0000 Hey Shambot!  I realize it’s been awhile, and well, sorry about that! I’ve missed you for sure. But mostly, I’m just to damn boring to post regularly…

But, here’s something that is fun.  We had our first ‘backyard’ outting at work (we have a backyard now! It’s mostly just a parking lot with trash in it, but that’s besides the point).  For context, HTDig is a type of ‘in-site’ search that kills our servers each night. There is a collective hate among the techies. We just finished transferring all of our clients away from it, and here’s what we did to celebrate:

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Highly suspicious behavior Mon, 27 Oct 2008 01:16:07 +0000 Pyzam Family Sticker Toy
You totally need to make your own family.  It’s silly and temporarily entertaining!

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Ummm… awkward… Fri, 29 Aug 2008 05:38:42 +0000 Sooo, as some of you may know, I was filmed for MTV’s high school stories a couple years ago, and thankfully it never aired… until now?!
I have been informed by one of our own (kinda) – Katie’s brother Harrison, that the episode aired Thursday night…
I don’t know how I feel about this… I’ve had some strange messages on myspace and facebook from strangers, so, that’s not creepy at all.  And I haven’t seen the show, so I really don’t know what was just shown on national tv… ha.
SO, anyway, as I die from embarrassment, if anyone happens upon the show, please, either turn it off, or record the damn thing so I know whether to be embarrassed!!

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KITTY ATTACK! Tue, 19 Aug 2008 03:58:42 +0000 It’s been so long since I posted here shamby, that this event seems only fair to serve as a warning for future laitency…

Friends – If you haven’t yet met my kitties, you’re missing out on one of the most cute-er-ific experiences ever. Case in point

Costco, now offering kitties in bulk: (that’s funny, ’cause it’s a Costco box)

Ok, so having two cats is great, because they’re ‘brothers’ (by life, not by blood), and it’s double cute, and they keep each other company. And they play together. Sometimes they forget that I’m here too…

That’s what happened tonight…
Kitties are happy, chasing around, attacking the air, hair balls, rugs, blankets, each other, etc…
So, here come the cats, romping around (at top speed), and one goes behind the couch, the other goes over the arm rest. Problem: I am on leaning on the arm rest… As a result, I was used as a launching pad/brick wall. I now have an entire open paw print cut into my back, and a second slice through my arm, blood everywhere. gross.
Ohh, kitties… what are we going to do with you? Hugs and kisses every night? yes. yes, indeed.

Next update? Perhaps a webcast of Rhea’s wedding from the Elvis Chapel in Vegas? Yes, perhaps, yes… You can watch us live too!

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why don’t lol cats get old? Mon, 02 Jun 2008 13:53:11 +0000 Seriously?  Lol catz still funny? Apparently so:

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FAIL Sun, 13 Apr 2008 20:31:54 +0000 FAIL

See more fantastic failures at : the fail blog


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my very first flash .swf! Fri, 21 Mar 2008 23:19:31 +0000 look, look! I made my first flash header today!  I don’t know how to embed it here, so go to to see it in real life!

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I am 6 Thu, 13 Mar 2008 22:25:03 +0000 PBJ!
I am totally a 6-year-old and enjoying it.  When I got home this afternoon, I had a PB&J sandwich with a big glass of chocolate milk.  Now, back to reality, I am going to act my age and get 2 for 1 Margs!

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For once, chace was right Sat, 01 Mar 2008 19:40:28 +0000 Just before I graduated, Chance said to me: “Once your done, you’re apartment will have never been so clean!”

Everyone mark the date, Angie Doerr concedes that Chance Lunning was RIGHT.  It must be a leap year or something.

That gross space between the counter and the stove = clean
Dusting the bathroom = yes
Seeing all floor space in bedroom for more than 1 day = true
Things in the cupboards that you don’t remember buying (or expired before the last time you moved) = gone

Thats right folks.  Even with just one arm, things are getting clean.  Now if only I could put away my coats when I get home, it might actually look like I was neat or something.

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A return from the land of Eng Sun, 24 Feb 2008 16:15:53 +0000 Hello darlings! I am back from my jaunt abroad as you all know by now, but I really must capture the moment on Shambot.  Summary of my trip:

Wine drinking at noonA charming coffee shop

The end.

Seriously though, it was quite relaxing and enjoyable, spending our days drinking and eating and wandering.  Lovely.

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Wiihabilitation? I’m IN! Mon, 11 Feb 2008 16:39:10 +0000 I came across this little gem today, and I think, in the spirit of my own impending need for PT, it’s a perfect 50th!  Wii sports as medical treatment?  Why didn’t I think of that?  I especially like the doctor at the very end who was diagnosed with tennis elbow from his prolonged (personal) play of Wii Tennis.

In other highlights from my weekend, on Friday I enjoyed a fantastic Angie-date which was totally hi-jacked by Joel (in a good way).  Juno is WAY better than he or I expected it to be.  Beer drinking at Azia in good company is also fantastic.  On Saturday, we went out to The Cabooze to see Trampled By Turtles and rockout at the hoe-down.  Quite possibly the most fun I’ve had at a concert in quite some time, even considering the unpleasantry of my wrist in a crowd and the -45 windchill.  The tickets sold out right in front of me, but the rest of the gang was already through, so I sweet-talked my way in, it was awesome.  Sunday was the scholastic awards ceremony, and as much as it sucks to work all day on a Sunday, I’m really glad to have that over, so it was a nice end to the weekend!

Off to London on Wednesday for a week!  I hear that I have an admirer there, so that’ll be interesting.  Next post = foreign.  For-reals!

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work is surprisingly fun!! Sat, 02 Feb 2008 21:03:31 +0000 So, in my post-graduation state of ‘damaged goods – you break it, you buy it’ I am actually feeling really fantastic about things right now!  some of my projects:

Push Institute –  I made this website! (sorta) – admire for its crazy programing tools that I continue to fix, update and add (try to sign-up for the mailing list on the home page, just try it!!). Still working on making it more attractive.  I am officially the Operations Manager now, I handle all of the systems integration, tech and interns for the office, jeez, its cool!  I also learned how to connect to our office mac-mini from outside of our network.  that was cool too.

MCAD – Scholastics is almost over here, you can see all of the student work up in the concourse gallery.  While we’ve been dealing with our region, I have been doing a lot of testing and help for the national office, which may result in a week trip to NYC in March to work, and possibly more after that, to re-make the system that runs the website (neato!)

Also starting a project here to design a CRM (contact relationship management) system, which will be huge/fantastic/exciting & I will learn a lot!

SES is picking up, have the first few meetings this week.  Haley Bonar will be our Artist for the media section.

So, the last exciting thing is that I’ll be going to London in about 10 days for a little vacation/grad gift/friend visit.  Going to be an adventure with the wrist, but well, I don’t really care, it’s going to rock!

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OWCH! Sat, 26 Jan 2008 18:34:20 +0000 I broke my wrist while busting a move on the dance floor! yikes. not coordinated enough to post photos, but you saw the evidence from the video!

be my friend in this time of whiny pain?

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About damn time! Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:58:43 +0000 I chopped off all my hair!!  Have you seen me yet!?

Hair = Gone

PS BEN: Every time I look at shambot, I want to eat delicious breakfast items.

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WHAT?! Tue, 22 Jan 2008 22:39:47 +0000 HEATH LEDGER IS DEAD????

in Mary-Kate Olsen’s Apartment?!

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