Comments on: Musings Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:54:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emma Mon, 27 Nov 2006 16:07:32 +0000 First of all, I am uber jealous (as always) that you are in Japan. I want to go go go, especially now that I am doing a set of travel illustrations showing various tourist aspects of Tokyo. I even took Fresh Fruits out of the library and stuff!

I think everyone kind of goes through that sort of internal struggle, as far as loved ones not understanding a lot of the context of your life. I mean, I can tell my parents the story about this crazy guy at work making an impromptu speech about “seeing the faces of the children” during this fancypants event, but they won’t understand that he was over on house left, and that we have geographies of identity together, and that classroom is on the 4th floor in the same room I had art nouveau freshman year, etc. I guess it’s a college thing?

YES to Minneapolis mixers. Katie unfortunately won’t be there, but we can get her on video chat.
