Comments on: Tokyo Disney! Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:54:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Katie (Jones) Thu, 30 Nov 2006 17:36:04 +0000 I went to Disneyland around.. four years ago or so with my brother and sister and dad, and they had changed the Haunted Mansion to be decked out in the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff too. …it was really freaky how crowded it was; I had forgotten how crowded it gets. It didn’t help that my dad is ridiculously paranoid and so would say things like “If someone fired a gun right now, people would probably be trampled to death” while we were in the middle of a huge crowd… I’m sure Tokyo Disneyland was ridiculously crowded as well though, but, yeah. Although it sounds like you didn’t have to wait that long.. this summer I went to an amusement park in Ohio and had to wait 2+ hours for a rollercoaster! With never ending songs like Freebird playing in the background. It sucked.
