I just found some pictures from the event in NY I went to a month ago. Wheee!


That’s me on the left, cleverly hiding my face, so none would know it was me.


 After I played, this giant angry dancing fire bush came on and sexually asaulted no less than 9 individuals.  Luckily, as I hid my face, he could not find me.


 When the fire bush disapeared, the curtains continued singing until this gentleman appeared, playing a most delightful instrument that I could name for you if I wanted.  After this he came back in stilts.  And then more instruments.  Everyone liked his shennagins at first, and then they didn’t.  Huh.


 Time for more fun pictures of people you don’t know.  The man on the right kicking is my master, Contre Mestre Perere.  Ben and Bill met him once.  Very interesting guy. Reads comics.  So you totally know he’s cool.  Oh, this is Central Park.  A bird pooped on my head on our way to this event.  I now hate birds, and exclusively eat chicken at restaurants.  FUN.


So yeah.  NYC was fun for me.  Back to work.

Comments (1) left to “NYPIX.”

  1. Emma wrote:

    You are such a clever facehider! When you come to Minneapolis, though, WATCH OUT. I’m going to snap a picture of you and your reign of noface pictures will end.