SO freaking Proud!

so, I have been sitting at BWs all night (Bad Waitress), working on my website.  And, from pure exhaustion, I am stopping for the night, but with a real achievement under belt: (or) (goes to the same thing)
It’s not quite allll finished (you’ll notice a title “result:” with no actual results) but, you can get the jist.  Now, the excitement is 3 fold.

1.  I programed that sucker.  And that code is HOT.  (All except that fancy movement stuff, that was artfully borrowed.)  but those divs? They’re SOLID.

2.  You can actually start to understand WHAT I DO.  It’s a very exciting concept.  I do things.  We know that.  Now you can understand.

3.  You can give me feedback and suggestions.  I’m going to post the final for class on Sunday, so, you have till then if you want to make an impact.



Comments (3) left to “SO freaking Proud!”

  1. Joel wrote:

    Nice use of jQuery! Or maybe it’s MooTools. I can’t tell.

  2. Angie wrote:

    MooTools. Good call!

  3. Tim wrote:

    When I first saw BW, I thought of Buffalo Wild Wings, even though you said Bad Waitress. Then I thought about meat. Then I thought about bathroom buh-ohs that come with that sweet meat. Then I decided that I would or would not eat there in the near future, depnding on how my awareness of self and if the supply of pepto-bismal was indeed abundant.