Moving Blows, But look a bunny!

Under My Bed from Joel Gillman on Vimeo.

Comments (5) left to “Moving Blows, But look a bunny!”

  1. Evan wrote:

    oh man that made me laugh way more than it should have.

  2. Emma wrote:

    How could something SO GROSS be SO CUTE.

    Oh wait, it’s got Joel-noises to go along with it. That’s how.

  3. Angie wrote:

    Haha, I agree with both. Laughed more than is healthy. And perhaps because of the little, bee-bee, bebe noises.
    Oh. Joel.

  4. Allison wrote:

    actually joel, I think there are also some LEAVES or something else in there, near the cd. classy.

  5. Lindsey wrote:

    It’s a shame. One min you’re washing your lil’ bunny face, getting ready to crawl into your sock and write that great american novel, and then BAM! Hurricane Joelie rips your wold apart…

    I think a BFNF bunny benefit concert is in order.

    ! !