Where Are We Now?

Where Are We Now? from Joel Gillman on Vimeo.

Comments (6) left to “Where Are We Now?”

  1. Emma wrote:




  2. Evan wrote:

    is it cuz i left you?

  3. Timmy wrote:

    At first I thought this video was about an awesome fun drug test! Woo cup pee! Then I found out it’s about busted wrists. Not so WOO.

  4. Allison wrote:

    but sort of adorable… in a new haircut kind of way!!!

  5. Angie wrote:

    that’s what I said – ‘well, at least I look cute!’ :)

  6. Alex wrote:

    A. Cute Indeed
    B. Videos re. injuries are much better when you make a guessing game out of it. Props Joel. (Maybe in the future a little ticking money counter could run down as you get closer to the pee.)