Have no fear, SUMMER is HERE!

Oh, you better believe it!  Now, I’m well aware many of the fine people on Shambot are now graduates of fine academic institutions. Degrees in hand, it’s time to look to the future!  To JOBS.  TO HOUSES.  TO 401K and IRAs.  Oh yes.  These are the party days!  THESE ARE THE PARTY DAYS!

Not me though.  Back to school for Tim.  Why?  Is it because I am terrified of the real world?  Of leaving Iowa City for obviously-less green pastures?  Oh no, no no no.  It’s – Ok, it is for those reasons, but never the less, BACK TO SCHOOL!

But enough on that, it’s summer.  Time to relax, recoup, and absorb media we meant to over the year.  So how am I spending my days?  I’m so glad you asked!   Well, I’ll sum it up in a fantastically short list!

Book of the Moment: As She Climbed Across the Table – Jonathan Lethem (Brandon recommended)

Album of the Moment: You Have No Idea What You’re Getting Yourself Into – Does it Offend You, Yeah? (Steven recommended)

TV Show of the Moment: 30Rock – NBC (Lots of recommendations on this one)

Game of the Moment: On The Rainslick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One – Penny Arcade Adventures / Puerto Rico (Katie recommended)

So yeah.  I’m a media hoooooor. Hope your summers are all going swimmingly!  Visits soon? I must hope!

Also on a serious note, and you know me, I’m super serious: Xbox Live night thursday at 8pm?  What do you think?


Comments (3) left to “Have no fear, SUMMER is HERE!”

  1. Ben wrote:

    Yeah! Do you guys have Mario Kart? We should play Mario Kart. Or, Rock Band, which we have just recently purchased.

  2. Evan wrote:

    aw man, i wanna do xbox night. i just got gta 4, but the internet here is more like interNARDS

  3. Alex wrote:

    I have to get on that whole xbox360 bandwagon. I kinda have to choose between that and office desk and chair. Balls Decisions.