
I thought you guys might like to see pictures of my car in its destitute state among the other tots cars. Also, for fun, there is a picture of Genencor in my bandana. FOR HAPPIER FEELINGS.

There’s a few more up on my flickr, along with images from the same day that Chance wrote about recently. FASCINATING.

p.s.edit: Last night I watched the first episode of project runway and, perdictably, I liked this one and this one. DON’T LOOK IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED IT YET!!!

Comments (1) left to “tots”

  1. Tim wrote:

    I’d always wondered what “Side Curtain Airbags” look like. Sadly your precious Fit had to die so that my curiosity could be sated. Sorrow is everywhere…

    …except where there’s a kitty! KITTTIES!