A touch of winter ennui. For you, and for me.

Winter is chilly.  I’ve come to accept that as fact.

My house, while inexpensive, and awesomely close to downtown, is kinda crappy.  I’ve come to accept that as fact.

Sometimes though, the chilly and the crappy get together and make everything real poopy.  I’m not ready to accept that yet.

Three days ago, the pipes in my kitchen froze.  No big deal, no dishes for a few days until they thaw out.  But it got COLDER, not warmer, and now we’ve no kitchen, and as of this morning, no showers to be taken.  No sinks to wash post-doodie-hands in, and possibly very soon, no doodie-pot to flush.  I’m scared everyone.  I’m ever so scared.

Yesterday the landlord called me to tell me to leave the water on at just above a trickle, to keep the kitchen pipes from freezin’.  Such a well timed communique as they had already frozen two days prior. Now I’ve got to call him back to beg for help to save my precious hot showers.  Oy.

Comments (4) left to “A touch of winter ennui. For you, and for me.”

  1. Emma wrote:

    No doodie-pot to flush! What a terrible fate.

    On an unrelated note, I always love your posts, Tim, because I know at some point they will actually make me giggle out loud.

  2. Joel wrote:


  3. Bill wrote:

    Are you saved yet?

    It’s very cold here too. Although, it is starting to warm up a bit. And when I say warm up, I mean above -5 degrees. The other day I was drawing, and to stay warm I had to sit ON one of our radiators. However, I think your situation seems far more grim than ours at this point.

    Does this post have anything to do with your plans to visit soon? Our shower is your shower!

  4. Angie wrote:

    I also fell victim to the cold-piped showers!! :( it was such an unfortunate event, that I pre-apologized to my coworkers for my nasty mood (and luckily not nasty smell). Although, in my case, it wasn’t frozen pipes, but just really cold water sitting in the pipes, so the heat came back, eventually…