Yes We Can (Hold Babies)

So, one of my favorite parts of getting to work with Jenny Tondera every Friday morning she reads amazing blogs and like to share them with me. I love blogs and always want to find more and more of them, so it’s nice to have an expert in the room.

Today, J-Ton was showing me “Dad blogs”. Dad blogs are blogs for dads and by dads and about the kids of dads. The blogs are cute and funny and whatever, but in the process of exploring the daddy-blogoshpere we discovered the greatest blog ever. It’s called YES WE CAN (HOLD BABIES) and it is a photoblog of Barack Obama, yes, holding babies. and it’s ADORABLE.

Comments (2) left to “Yes We Can (Hold Babies)”

  1. Emma wrote:

    in the same vein….

  2. Joel wrote:

    Chance, that is absolutely adorable.

    Emma, that is absolutely hilarious.