
A drawing a did tonight. I think…. more birds are needed!

Comments (5) left to “Abominolobilinum”

  1. Chance wrote:

    Wow, that turned out really good! It also NEEDS to be a t-shirt!

    Quick vote: Who would wear this on a t-shirt? I would.

  2. Allison wrote:

    yes! the birdies! i love it. especially the color scheme.

  3. Emma wrote:

    haha, hilarious. We’ve started our own Threadless! Except we’ll call it Badless or something – no bad designs.

    BUT SERIOUSLY BILL this is adorable. loooove it.

  4. Bill wrote:

    I actually caved and submitted it to Threadless! :( I couldn’t resist! Not after Bryan Ische got his shirt printed. I was too jealous not too try.

  5. Steven wrote:

    This is really great! More please.