my life, this week

i seem to be prone to anxiety attacks this week. things that have triggered the aforementioned attacks:

-trying to draw camels for THE LAMEST ASSIGNMENT EVER in illustration 3

-trying to get my linework the way i want it in my digital assignment for next week

-attempting to email all of new york city in order to find the coolest internship ever for next semester

-trying to play it cool when tim tozer walked into the library this morning, just now, and i had to pretend i was reading the news or something else cultural online, rather than checking out everyone’s posts on shambot and laughing hysterically about lindsey dancing robot like in the early nineties

-figuring out how i am going to take my lunch hour (that would be one lunch hour) and get back to mcad, have an hour long meeting about nyc, and return to work


i have decided when everything is set for me to go to nyc, i will have nothing left to distract me or to spend time on. i will be completely useless to society, spending my days taking baths, smelling aromotherapy candles, and painting my toenails.

with my cat (i don’t have one, actually, but i pretty much just described a cathy comic, and she has a cat. i think. oh my god, she also has anxiety attacks pretty much every strip. am i fated to become cathy, the lamest comic character in history?? please, for my sake, step in if i begin to part my hair down the middle and wear heart tshirts).

art soon, i promise. i have much to post, not much time to do it in.

Comments (3) left to “my life, this week”

  1. Emma wrote:

    Katie. I have one big word for you:


  2. Lindsey wrote:

    You’re too cool to be cathy, but I’m sure Genencor would love painting toenails with you…

    OMG, I’ve got some gossip in the Tim department!

  3. Joel wrote:

    Déja vu! I swear Katie, you and I have talked about being Cathy before… Weird!