Verizon? For Internet?


Verizon Chat

Lindsey and I live in apartment 12, our mailing address is apartment 11, and our shipping address is yet another address (at least for packages and wireless modem/routers). The online helper-chat guy apparently didn’t know what to do so he told us to call the local Verizon people tomorrow.

But what’s up with this?! “Have a blessed day!!”?!?! :D

Yeah, okay thanks Pope Phelps of Verizon.

Comments (1) left to “Verizon? For Internet?”

  1. Emma wrote:

    That’s super weird. I’ve chatted with plenty of customer service reps, but never one with a weird name like PHELPS (verizon butler?) or one who so strongly wanted to make sure that all customers know that they are all loved in His eyes.