A song

What could this be a song for?

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Never Want to

PS- Joel, how do you upload an mp3 so it shows up with a little media player instead of it being a link to the file?

Comments (3) left to “A song”

  1. Chance wrote:


  2. Joel wrote:

    I hope it’s for Lazy Shambie Afternoons, coming out this winter! I agree with Chance, ADORABLE.

    (I took the liberty of changing your code, I’ll make a screencast and page for Shambot “how-tos”)

    Also, weird recaptcha: “horrid times”

  3. Joel wrote:

    Hooray! http://www.shambot.com/how-to-shambot/audio-player/

    I’ll be working on making that How To page a little sexier… Maybe even add some kind of intro and outro to the video? I could use some music for it, waddya say?