I never want to sit down again.

With a combined total of 30 hours of being in a car these past six days of break, I’m a little sick of driving. If it was one solid chunk of driving, say, 30 straight hours, like on a bus, then I probably wouldn’t be complaining as much because that would have been non-stop. THIS driving was spread out to 5 hours to Cedar Rapids on Tuesday, 10 (more like 13) hours to Detroit on Wednesday, 10 (probably 11) hours back to Cedar Rapids on Saturday, and 5 hours up to Mini-apples on Sunday. Not to say that I didn’t have fun other times, but most of my break was spent in the car. The rest of my break was pretty regular: I ate some turkey, watched some predator 2, watched my cousins play Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance (they are girls and one is in high school, the other in middle school), and went to a historical reinactment village.

In other news: school is three weeks from being over. RIDICULOUS! WHAT will become of me and my finals? WHEN will I be home over winter break!? WHAT ABOUT THE ART SALE!?

Stay tuned…

Comments (1) left to “I never want to sit down again.”

  1. Emma wrote:

    Woah. You’ve got me hooked on Days of our Bens.