Comments on: mountain music Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:54:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Tue, 18 Nov 2008 01:29:58 +0000 I wasn’t sure if mountain music meant folksy or like… something else. I was thinking like Architecture in Helsinki minus the electro beats?

I think I like the contrast of the painted mountains versus the faint mountains. I didn’t want to overwork the image, so in the final I just threw another drawing on the left side of the horizontal composition. It’s done!

By: Allison Sun, 16 Nov 2008 18:29:19 +0000 okay, first of all, I do not see any “obvious” digital elements. It looks like you made this all by hand. second of all, I love that drawing of the guy with antlers and bongo drums the best. it’s so folksy, whereas some of the other characters aren’t quite going in that direction (which might be fine). third off all, I think that the more faint and in-the-background-mountains are working particularly well. the painted ones, not as much. I like the first composition more, actually.
