Comments on: “The Dumbest Generation” Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:54:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ninth Tue, 27 May 2008 16:33:44 +0000 I am a programmer, and I would probably google it just to make sure. It is faster to google it than it is to write it twice if I made a mistake.

By: Timmy Tue, 13 May 2008 07:15:06 +0000 Is it a bad sign that when I read the last section of Alex’s post I instantly agreed with “Ask a programmer”? I mean, I know like 2… OH god. I am old. Also anyone else, do you feel like you use the internet? Do you feel individuated from the traditional political spectrum? If so can I interview you?

By: Alex Tue, 13 May 2008 03:16:19 +0000 From my experience, what most sub-par students lack, and what most employers are looking for, is the ability to work well with others. Furthermore, what the “old generations” often forget, is that the ability to gain more knowledge has become more important than the actual knowledge one possesses. Social networking and familiarity with the internet (yes, even Wikipedia) is an extraordinary means to do this. I could ask any “young person”, and any “old person”, what the proper syntax of an SQL Insert statement is. The old person would say “Ask a programmer” and the young person would say “get me Google”.
