Comments on: To Lindsey Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:54:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lindsey Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:47:47 +0000 haha, I’ve leveled up! CLEVER BOYFRIEND; i love you so!!!! (i hope my comment is private, too)

I’m SO EXCITED to see you! I enjoyed my last morning here and i’ll have to start packing soon. I’m at anohter hostel and i need to leave at 1-2amish to ride to the airport, meaning i think i’ll try to go to bed soon so i can be awake for this whole departure thing.

I know they will confiscate all my candy, and i will be PISSY! (You may or may not get to enjoy it, but i’ve grabbed you thai oreos, greentea kit kats, and cute litt’l thai gummies). It was just in the bangkok post the other day that no chocolate will be allowed thru bk airport because “the warm climate may melt them” and “transform these items into liquids”
GRRR! we’ll see what contraband items may slip past… tee hee.

8 hours of classes— bill is so strong. i could never do that without being braindead for at least 3 of those hours. And NO way! My mom used to work for North Star Medical! It will be super ultra cool to show her that you’re working on their site; (I’m sure they need you to work on it quite badly at that!)

yesterday i rode to another market outside of the city; most of this one was dedicated to puppets, so i’ll be coming home with a few. I think i’ll go back tonight and grab one for Tom. the evening was rainy so i saw another movie – this one was like a thai version of dumb and dumber. not exactally my cup of tea, but lots of people there which was cool. before each showing, we have to stand for the national anthem and watch raindrops of patriotic images fall over the thai country side. very odd. everyone stops and stands still for the national anthem twice daily; the first time i saw this happen, i thought i had died! I was stepping off the skytrain with a flood of people around me and suddenly everything, EVERYTHING! stopped. everybody stood perfectly still wherever they were. it was llike when time stops on televison or in a movie, except this happens twice every day. I was seriously a little scared until i heard the song play over the loud speakers. Eeek! all out of change so ive gotto run— Love you! lindsey
