I’ve only seen a few movies on that list. ‘The Devil’s Backbone’ was really interesting, I thought it was going to end about 3 times before the end actually happened. It was a good mix of horror and real-life drama. I guess I like scary movies, but was never really that into them until recently. Sci-fi has kind of been taking over my interest lately and we have about 15 classics on our netflix queue right now.
I want to see ’30 Days of Night’! I heard it wasn’t too good, but I like snowy, horror movies.
]]>PS. Let’s watch more scary movies, in fact, let’s do it TONIGHT. CHUD NIGHT ALLRIGHT!
]]>Scary movies of ANY kind scare me. Badly. Like, I saw The Ring and was haunted by my overactive imagination for a week. BUT, this list of movies made me kiind of want to watch a scary movie. The descriptions were very important, they sparked my interest. The Devil’s Backbone espcially! Also: ghost pirates. That’s cool.
]]>Also, did you buy Devil’s Backbone? I want to see it. And CHUD!!!