Comments on: I’m here for buisness. Also pleasure. Yes, that would make it pluisness. . . or is it bleasure? Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:54:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Katie (Jones) Fri, 22 Dec 2006 17:45:53 +0000 That website makes me profoundly happy. ..I wonder what family with cats doesn’t have a cat in a sink picture? I mean, we definitely have at least one for each cat we have now/have had. We probably have about six+ of Fluffy in a sink, actually. (Looking back, I think we was more fond of sinks than people…)

Driving with another person definitely helps when it comes to driving more awake too. I know that when I felt myself driving into that weird half asleep/half awake state where plastic bags turn briefly into animals and whatnot driving back from the Islands concert, I was able to wake myself up with the thought that if I got into an accident, other people would be hurt. Plus, it wasn’t my car, and that helped too. Anyway, um, yeah. Boo sleep depravation!
