So this is my “whats up with you” post, as of late. Because Im sure all of you are just dying to know. Plus I just need to get a lot of this off of my chest. Since I dont ever see ANYONE anymore… welcome to my newly-acquired reclusive-esque-life.
Edit: (Prepare yourself for a doozy)
Exciting things (not neccessarily in chronological order):
1) Alex and I walked around Macy’s at the Mall when he was here last and did some dreamin’. We like to do that sometimes… GUESS WHAT I FOUND BEN. Martha-things. All of them. I was like a kid in a candy store picking out everything that I wanted to have when I can eventually afford them. Here I am with the faux-bois bath towels! (excuse the ridiculously wide-angle lens of my cell phone… I look like poor unsuspecting Drew Barrymore in the Covergirl commercials… YUK!) You can find the whole faux-bois COLLECTION
here. (more…)
(edit: this was started a couple days ago in the morning. I didn’t miss my bus.)
hey all you minneapolitans. Yesterday it was brought to one half of the Ladies Who Brunch that maybe some of yous guys want to know where to eat breakfast that’s new. Well, today I am officially starting the Ladies Who Brunch List of Lists.
I’m not going to do all of them, since I want to give the other girls a crack and also I don’t want to miss my bus. But here’s a few, from me to you:
I have a soft spot for this place in my heart because it was actually reccomended by Andrew Bird at a concert of his I went to. He ate here a lot when he was recording his last CD, which makes me weep that I could have seen him drinking coffee and eating some bacon and I missed out. Anyhow, Butter is super duper green (discount if you bring a travel mug, biodegradable silverwear, compost heap bin) and super duper cute. They’ve got a small but really tasty menu with things like buckwheat pancakes and seasoned potaters. This isn’t your greasy spoon-type place, so don’t come expecting bigger than your body portions full of fatty deiciousness. I love that kind of place, but I love butter too. They also have some of the tastiest looking cupcakes on the planet.
I think you guys have probably heard about our fantastic free cinnamon rolls for hot girls experience, but did you know that Keys Cafe has really good food as well?!?!?! Dude, huge plates of greasy delicious cheese and veggies. Breakfast was supposed to be like this. Plus the atmosphere is like you’re sitting in your diningroom with 30 people you don’t know but they’re all havin’ a good time, so why worry? The waiters are nice (i.e. free cinnamon rolls for hot girls) and the coffee’s real good.
Okay, I don’t wanna take all the good places. Girls, chip in! Let’s not dwell too long on the loss of Maxwells when there are so many other good resteraunt with HASH BROWNS to be had. But I am sad about Maxwell’s. seriously.
Sorry for the title, but that’s my favorite LOLcat. In case you couldn’t parse it, tonight we are treated to a total lunar eclipse. (note that if it had been only a partial eclipse, the cat woulda been in ur penumbra. +10 to the first person to make a your mom joke.) Normally shadows don’t excite me too much, but today it seems to be a sign of my good fortune. I suspect that the following were caused by the moon’s gravitational influence:
I kicked ass on a tough Data Modeling assignment.
I beat the Giants 21-20 with a 70 yard hail-mary to Troy Williamson with about 30 seconds left on the clock (Madden08, although I could do it myself in reality.)
I got an interview with Lockheed Martin.
Wally’s had Tacos for lunch.
The sky should be crystal clear tonight for eclipse-watchin. It should also provide absolutely no protection from the cold. -27 when I left for class this mornin’ (-32 in the shade.) Probably warmer this evening but once you get below -10 it doesn’t really matter.
On an unrelated note, I hate iTunes. However, the Party Shuffle is pretty awesome. As I was Shambin’ I came across the most unlikely song. Now I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure that Limp Bizkit’s “The Only One” is basically Fred Durst’s way of saying “I’m Worth Waiting For”. Pretty tricky Fred.
Thanks for listening!
P.S. for those keeping score it’s Moon’s Gravity: 4, Troll Dolls’ Tummy Bling: 0
EDIT: Changed the title from the original “im in ur umbraz, abzorbin ur infraredz”. Obviously it isn’t abzorbin the infraredz. My sincerest apologies for the mistake. EDIT EDIT: Changed the edit from the original “Obviously it isn’t abzorbin the infraredz because we see them” to “Obviously it isn’t abzorbin the infraredz”. The fact is that we cannot see infraredz regardless of the position of the moon. To be perfectly correct, the moon is in fact both abzorbin and reflectin infraredz, however the balance of light reflected to earth during a lunar eclipse is shifted towards long wavelengths, and therefore the most concise statement would be “im in ur umbraz, reflectin more of ur infraredz than i is ur ultravioletz”. Unfortunately this statement lacks the poetic flair that a Shamby title deservz, so I’ll leave it be.
I haven’t posted anything for a month! A MONTH! Here’s something I did at work today. It’s an updated version of a previous piece of art. The title of the piece reflects my state of mind about what I want to do for a job after graduating.