some pretty pictures

Here are some pretty pictures of our picturesque honeymoon vacation to Kauai, Hawaii. Taken with a Yashica-A medium format camera. (Insert Jurassic Park theme music here.)

Whatchu guys workin on? I know you’re workin on SUMTHIN.

shambot-hibernation: “shamboternation”

OR the many faces of chance’s halloween costume

What? Its been two months since everyone went into hibernation mode? No one has posted since before the winter season began you say? Bored? Need some inspiration you say? Well, I’ve got just the thing for you:

Watch closely, as we look back at how Chance’s Halloween costume evolves and changes to match his environment (or moods?):

Initial word vegan correctly representing evil ex-boyfriend #3? check.
Rearranging the word vegan into other words? check.
Rearranging the word vegan into not other words, but possible acronyms instead? check.
Careless evolution into illegible symbols or characters? check.
Drunken reappropriation of tape into random shapes and genitals? check.
Inevitable hammer and sickle? of fuckin’ course!

more halloween party pics here.

sometimes there are boys

But they are ALWAYS such cute boys. Look at all of the these pictures I have amassed this past couple of weeks.



I wish the WHOLE OTHER ROLL of film I took on this day would have turned out. The lighting was really beautiful, and everyone looked really beautiful… Dang!

Oh well, Chane and Ben (and Emma) can revel in these pictures because they look like rock stars!!!

ps. I have been shooting a lot of film lately. Hopefully I will keep up with adding them to flickr.

neurophysicists + Bobby McFerrin

Just found this great video of Bobby McFerrin demonstrating to a panel of neurophysicists how the brain anticipates notes at the World Science Festival. Cool! What else can our brains do?!?

Via Mpr’s State of the Arts Blog

chances bday party was fun!

observe: some videos.

Communist Daughter covers “Knuckles” by The Hold Steady from Allison on Vimeo.

Charlie Raps for Chance’s Bday! from Allison on Vimeo.

Its Chance Time from Allison on Vimeo.

thanks, mpr news! little fluffy frost bubbles!!!!


family portrait

Today Emma and I did a photoshoot for the next update to our Hello Ladies Vintage Shop! Chance decided to help by being the offical balloons-holder. So of course. after the shoot, we had to take some silly portraits and jumping pictures. I am sure Emma and I will have all of them uploaded to our Flickr’s before too long. CHECK IT OUUUUT.


some random hilarity

via Designboner. Go to the original post for explanation and more hilarity.

okay okay

my new favorite website: Draw Your Dad Dot Com. Some highlights: