well, hello there, shambot-sters. how’s it going?

oh, me? i’m FABULOUS, actually. in fact, i am actually typing IN NEW YORK CITY.

in case you all were wondering whether my hopes and dreams of nyc would be crushed by the realities of the subway, grime, and pushy, mean people, fear not, my pretties. because it is AMAZING here.

i will attempt to keep this short, mostly because it is only my second day here, and i am exceedingly exhausted, thanks to a full 24 hours of no sleep and lugging bags all over the train/subway system yesterday, which highly sucked. however, i will provide you with a list of things that do not suck about new york. in fact, they are amazing!

1. the subway is actually easy. it makes sense, and everything is readable, logical, and mostly on a grid in manhattan–unlike certain cities where everything is confusing (boston, anyone?) this is a dream for a car-fearing, bicycle riding public transportation whore.

2. brooklyn, contrary to what the sex and the city ladies will have you believe, is beautiful and amazing. specifically, the brownstone apartment that i am going to be renting (knock on wood).

actually, here i must interject. amazing: the pretty pretty building and promenade nearby. not so amazing: the square footage is in double digits. as in, the entire aparment amounts to 96 square feet. they are all mine though. think about that.

3. manhattan. incredible. so many people and an abundance of cheap and expensive items for purchase.

4. harpers magazine. i cannot stress how amazingly, unbelievably awesome their office, staff, and my job all are. you know how all the museums and galleries cost money to enter? (moma is $20 a head, for example). well kids, today i was introduced to a nifty little item called a PRESS PASS. why yes, that does actually mean free entry to any and all art related events in the city. thank you for asking.

i will spare you excess gushing–well, more excess gushing, anyways. but i will leave you with this little tale:

when i first emerged from the subway on 42nd street to see the city, my view was parsons–EXACTLY how they show it on project runway. naturally, i went in, just to see if i could go poke around (if you’re wondering, i couldn’t–it’s closed winter break to outsiders). i had just turned to leave when a man walked in. he looked me straight in the face, smiled, and said, “well hello there” and walked off into the elevator. he was white haired. he was dashing. as i stood in his presence i felt an uncontrollable urge to create a dress out of coffee filters and “make it work, people.” yes, i was greeted to new york city by TIM GUNN of project runway fame.


but i played it cool.

anyway, i miss you all and hope you can get out here at some point. call me, email, whatever, just don’t forget about me! for this week i am staying with a friend in connecticut, and her house doesn’t get reception, so bear with my on the cell phone thing and accept calls from weird numbers.



an open letter to shambot.

dear shambot,

well. you’re still here. of COURSE you’re still here. that’s the thing about you, shambot. you’re always there for me. you’re putting it all into this relationship: you’re always waiting at the same webpage, with something new and delightful for me to read. you let me comment, even when i’ve abandoned you for weeks and weeks. and when i feel like bitching, you just tell me to let it all out.

but shambot, is it really fair to YOU for me to be participating in this relationship? i rarely post on you anymore. i am neglecting you, and you just take it. why can’t you fight back, shambot? i would be so much more compelled to post on you if you played hard to get. maybe sometime, if i haven’t checked you in a while, you could reroute me, with a message like, “i’m not always at your beck and call, katie.” then i’d want you. but you seem to have a hard time grasping the concept of playing hard to get.

it takes two to tango, shambot.

there’s other things, too…what’s with all these other posters? they’re on you EVERY DAY. every day, shambot, you’re in with some new dame (or manstuff) and i can’t take it any more! i don’t want to share you! they’re dirtying MY waters! you can’t ride two horses with one ass, don juan de shambot! or twelve, for that matter! twelve! that’s a huge ass you got there, shambot! if that’s even your real name! i bet it’s shamNOT, if you know what i mean!

ok, ok. i’m sorry, baby. no…stop. don’t be like that. you know i only say it cause i love you. i promise i’ll post every day in new york. art, too! maybe some pictures! yeah, i know. i said the same thing to photobucket, and look where we ended up.

but this time it’s different. i can change.




i got the harper’s internship!
in case you are not suitably excited, here is what that means:
a. i now have an internship for next semester when i am in new york city, so i can STOP WORRYING ABOUT ANYTHING. except where i will live. but whatever.
b. harper’s is a totally sweet magazine and i get my name inside it for all the months i intern there!
c. you don’t have to read any more katie-is-so-stressed-out-she-could-just-pee posts! because i officially have achieved the sole goal of my existence for the last 6 months!


yes, the state i am in has caused me to actually morph into your jewish mother. surprise.

anyway, i am sort of floating in this rather comfortable area of always needing to do a million things and perpetually worrying about a) whether i will have a place to work at an internship next semester and b) whether i will have a place to hang m proverbial hat when not working/playing in nyc. it is a weird, difficult process to try and find housing when you can’t visit the place in question and are not sure who exactly is a murderer, weirdo, or scam artist (or c, all of the above!). also, it’s funny to recognize that everyone i contact on craigslist or similar seems to have the same concerns about me.

today, in t-minus 2.35 hours, i have an interview for an internship with harpers magazine which i REALLY want. REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD. unfortunately, they may not see that as the most convincing reason for hiring me. must sound intellectual and capable.

yesterday emma and evan and i had drawing class and….it was bearable! what, you say? how can this be? the answer: we looked at pretty timmy, then we got to leave the premises. what could be better.

art posts shall be coming relatively soon…you should be able to tell i have finished my work for the semester when i start posting something other than the token “i’m so stressed i could pee all the time” entry. but i have been doing some art that i like. perhaps anxiety agrees with me.



ps. i signed this because it was funny. not because i sign things regularly. except for the panties that always seem to be thrown at me when i walk around, accompanied by screams of adulation.

my life, this week

i seem to be prone to anxiety attacks this week. things that have triggered the aforementioned attacks:

-trying to draw camels for THE LAMEST ASSIGNMENT EVER in illustration 3

-trying to get my linework the way i want it in my digital assignment for next week

-attempting to email all of new york city in order to find the coolest internship ever for next semester

-trying to play it cool when tim tozer walked into the library this morning, just now, and i had to pretend i was reading the news or something else cultural online, rather than checking out everyone’s posts on shambot and laughing hysterically about lindsey dancing robot like in the early nineties

-figuring out how i am going to take my lunch hour (that would be one lunch hour) and get back to mcad, have an hour long meeting about nyc, and return to work


i have decided when everything is set for me to go to nyc, i will have nothing left to distract me or to spend time on. i will be completely useless to society, spending my days taking baths, smelling aromotherapy candles, and painting my toenails.

with my cat (i don’t have one, actually, but i pretty much just described a cathy comic, and she has a cat. i think. oh my god, she also has anxiety attacks pretty much every strip. am i fated to become cathy, the lamest comic character in history?? please, for my sake, step in if i begin to part my hair down the middle and wear heart tshirts).

art soon, i promise. i have much to post, not much time to do it in.

magazine cover goodness!

recently, (as in wednesday) my dear friend eric drommerhausen asked me to illustrate a cover for static magazine. for those of you lame-os who have never heard of this rag (which, unfortunately, is most people in general) it’s a free periodical that circulates to about 10,000 readers in southern minnesota (think along the lines of the rake). eric works for the editor, who asked if eric would be interested in designing an issue. so he is the art director of sorts for this month’s issue, and i just finished my cover illustration.
here it is, in all its glory:
the only direction was illustrating “success”. any kind, i guess. and you know you’ve made it when you’re wearing a fatty awesome hat at the top of a mountain.
so there you go.


i have decided to delete this post for multiple reasons. they are listed below:
1. i don’t really remember posting.
2. i also don’t really remember why i decided to post on MY account instead of emma’s, making me look like a huge idiot.
3. emma and i were having large amounts of fun at evan’s 21st birthday party and therefore, our grammatical skills were questionable, to say the least.
but for those of you who missed it, here is the jist:
me: wooooooooo!
emma: yeeeeeeeeah!
me: (insert heinous spelling error here)
emma: i just spilled my drink everywhere!
both of us: we just ordered this fatty cool necklace from fred flare!
i did preserve the integrity of the title though.


this means i am spending the entirety of next semester doing an internship and living in the COOLEST CITY EVER.
i’m really fucking excited.

wait, one more

since i didn’t already post enough art to make you crap all over yourself,
this is a poster/book cover for the legend of sleepy hollow (also for illi 3). i am currently having a HUGE FIGHT with the epson over what colors it’s supposed to be. me and the epson may have to end our short courtship. it’s just not working out. but the nice guy working here is going to let me use some of his paper. what a guy. i love people like him. maybe i’ll dump the epson for sb annex guy.

day assignments. pish posh.

today in illi three we had the infamous DAY ASSIGNMENTS. for those of you non art school folk, that is illustration teacher speak for “do what you would normally do, except FASTER and MORE and RIGHT NOW, THAT’S RIGHT, IN CLASS!”
this is usually followed by groaning and students throwing things at the aforementioned teacher. needless to say, it’s usually my favorite class of the semester. what could be better?
surprisingly (or not?), i tend to turn out my favorite pieces of the semester in these class periods–a little disturbing when you stop to think about it. whatever. i had fun making these. i tried to hold them together as a series by using the same family of collage materials for them. these are all cut paper, pencil, and watercolor. carrie (le prof) gave us prompts to pick from, so don’t think i just enjoy randomly drawing these things.
first we have: child looking at her reflection in water
and then, dog on the moon
finally, polar bear roasting marshmallows over a fire (i know. i know. i’m sorry too.)
the end of my fatty art post.
hopefully you all can see these ones.
love and kisses.