Well, here’s another one, this one also under 30 seconds. It’s called Robopera (pronounced RoBOPera, like opera, but with Robots). I ran into a few issues with keeping the beat, pressing the keys gets pretty difficult with the faster areas. Maybe someday I will make a good song in Garage Band.
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you know that voice, don’t you? the one where, after having a slight sore throat the other day, you decide that OF COURSE you will go out and have free drinks with the entire staff of harper’s at von, because you are cool and they have good beer there and you’ve always wanted to try a martini on an empty stomach, and then you stumble home and cram down a bagel and wake up the next morning with the sickies.
and then you have that voice, that at first is horrendous, but by the end of the day it’s just kind of scratchy, and you wish your voice was ALWAYS like that because you sound like an old movie star/johnny cash, which, let’s face it, is an unbeatable combo.
well, here i am, deep in the throes of the raspy sexy voice. i rarely get sick, but i think it was some combination of the week of neverending excitement and fun with ben added to babysitting craziness, work, and too many late nights. lovely.
it’s a little sad around the old apartment without ben, who, surprisingly, fit in nicely to my teeny tiny hobbit hole. we had a great week that involved lots of museums (whitney and met) numerous gallery openings, and lots of rock-star like eating and drinking out with various nysp and harper’s people. it was wonderful, and i must say i hope he comes back soon.
but now it’s back to real life. i am currently working on the art i’m doing for the end of semester show, babysitting to make the big money, working the internship, and i just finished a bunch o freelance stuff for paper prince…it remains to be seen if the big guys like it. so cross your fingers, cause i could really use a big fish here.
anyway. there are some new pictures from birthday, which was awesome (and thank you all who called!) so check out ye olde photobucket.
also, new tattoo coming? maybe? there’s this girl in my program who’s a tattoo artist, so hopefully i’m looking at a pretty low cost operation at her parlor. i’m working on the design right now. fun!
so, call me sometime. i’m trying to catch up with individual emails too, so if you have time but don’t feel like hearing my voice, drop me a line, eh?
Most of the time when people find out I DJ, they don’t know what that means. In lieu of this, I’ve worked hard a created what, at the moment, is the mix I am proudest of and a good way for people to find out what being a DJ does.
Sometimes friendships are tested…
Sometimes endurance is put to it’s limit…
Sometimes doing the job means bending the rules…
This fall, the creators of “15”, “Man Vs. Hornets”, “Bare Aspirations”, and “Where’s Waldo” bring you…
A story of friendship,
and redemption
Hopefully coming to a theatre at some point.
Look, I made a song, too!
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MasterPEACE number two. The Plan.
Don’t be jealous.
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I make my rascally dascally way to the ‘apples for a weekend, what do I see upon my return to my trusty, dusty work desk? A plethora of productive new posts?! Now that’s gonna make for a lot more pressure for yours truly to “puts up or shuts up” as the old saying goes. Now, I’m here to puts up, and then get told to shuts up. Hellz yeah.
As I promised, dear shambles, I have returned to post more. I dont know, would you like to hear about my schedule as per a usual first shamby-post? Or perhaps something more interesting… with pictures! I think pictures.
I am taking advanced photography this semester, as mentioned before. And today I had my first real ADVANCED crit. It went surprisingly well, considering I didnt have to size of prints he requested. Whatever. (OH, also I should mention that my professor for this class is a man named Paul Shambroom and he is a photographer and he is famous and I like him! He had a lecture and show open just today at Katie Nash. OH WIERD.) He liked where I am coming from, and I got some very goooood feedback. Excited!
Here are some of the images I’ve made so far. The first one is from last semester, the next one is new that I made for this class, but as a continuation from the last project…
WELL, I haven’t posted here for awhile!
Dear Shambies,
How are you? I’m good. I’m taking a 3D class this semester and it seems like it’s going to be pretty rockin’. The first assignment is alright (not worth explaining). BUT the second assignment we get to make some kind of side-table! AWESOME! I want to put some little LEDs just under the surface of the table so you can see it in the darks. That would make a good nightstand, right?
I’m also in a class called “Interactive Multi-Linear Narrative.” I like to call it “Video Game Design,” or even just video game class. So, now I’ve got to learn me some Flash. Bill’s all “I know everything about Flash.” (just kidding) I wanted to make Petbuster: The Game but the class wasn’t very impressed, the winning idea was okay I guess. BUT maybe this summer I can make one! I’ll keep updating.
So, I’m going to try to post a mini-song I’m working on in Garage Band. I’m compiling a series of 30 second songs that I’ve made while in a state of boredom. This song is called, as you can read from above, Microchip Malfunction.
I think the title of my collection will be… WICKED FINGERS. Let me know what you think!
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(PS- don’t take this seriously)