Hokayy, so.
As I promised, dear shambles, I have returned to post more. I dont know, would you like to hear about my schedule as per a usual first shamby-post? Or perhaps something more interesting… with pictures! I think pictures.
I am taking advanced photography this semester, as mentioned before. And today I had my first real ADVANCED crit. It went surprisingly well, considering I didnt have to size of prints he requested. Whatever. (OH, also I should mention that my professor for this class is a man named Paul Shambroom and he is a photographer and he is famous and I like him! He had a lecture and show open just today at Katie Nash. OH WIERD.) He liked where I am coming from, and I got some very goooood feedback. Excited!
Here are some of the images I’ve made so far. The first one is from last semester, the next one is new that I made for this class, but as a continuation from the last project…
Lindsey wrote:
Allison, these are ultra sexy awesome prints – I love how curious the bottom picture is, like some innocent arrangement of footies will eXpLOdE!
And SHAMBroom? Get out! I totally thought you were joking…
Posted on 28-Jan-07 at 7:44 pm | Permalink
Allison wrote:
I know, perfect huh? AND he’s pretty much awesome.
Posted on 29-Jan-07 at 7:23 pm | Permalink