Well dearies, it has been bothering me much more than I’m sure it has been bothering you that I have not written a post in quite a long time. So much to post, so very little card readers and vimeos accounts to go around… But I digress. Behold, I took this photograph in Thief River Falls in early August and have finally gotten around to getting the media center to let me use the big-fancy-imacon scanner. I think it is my favorite of the bunch, besides the one of Alex sleep-drooling on a sunday afternoon. But I think I will spare him.
More posts to come, as I begin to become frusterated with my advanced project.
P.S. Next post is the big Three-Oh! … Anyone? Thirty? I guess its only an accomplishment for me… silly Fifty-ers…
I do! I declare it right here!
I’ve entered the realm of super nerdry.
I’ve gotten back into collecting action figures (of a sort).
Now Lindsey collects robots, Patrick collects Japanese films, I collect Minimates.
While admitedly neither as hip nor as classy as the prior two, I like them.
They’re 2 inch tall action figures all based on an identical body (Like Kubriks) with different paint jobs (the Silver Surfer in this image).
The Galactus is actually a 14 inch tall BAF (Build-A-Figure or Bad-Ass-Figure, god help me) from the Marvel Legends line. He’s big. I liked that. I also found this over the weekend at the comic book shop and even the clerk asked if I wanted a bag to “Hide my shame”. Touche clerk. Touche.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to cry silently to myself while re-enacting that one time when the Surfer totally teams up with the FF to beat the pants of that Planet Eating Mother Effer.
Mostly, we all know I’m pretending, but occasionally, I have to take art classes. So, in the spirit of sharing, here is my first assignment for Graphic Design 1. Yay! I am rather proud. The assignment was to make a postcard describing yourself for the teacher. We had to use “hello, my name is…”
enjoy… !
I just finished a big and unpleasant project and I’m happy about that but really tired. Also, I don’t want to talk about it ever ever ever again.
I forgot to post this a long time ago. (Inspired by Steven’s post from awhile ago.) Click for bigger pichas size goodies!
this is a sample page from my new comic that I did today. its for our show at the end of the month. i’m experimenting with format. all pages, of which there are about 62 (i know) will only have one pannel. most will be confined to a small square in the middle, while others like this one will stretch accross the page for emphasis.
now. what do i name it? seriously, i have no idea. i was thinking about something with “ash” and “cat”