un tranche de chansons
Sometimes I wake up and instead of remembering a dream, I’ve got a song stuck in my head. But! It’s not an established song, nooo. It’s a DREAM SONG. Dream songs are little snippets of melodies that my head manages to create while I’m sleeping and then it puts it on repeat and I wake up with a tiny melody stuck in my head. Sometimes they’ve got lyrics, which are always nonsensical, and rarely do I remember them. But today I woke up and decided I would remember my most current DREAM SONG by recording it in Garage Band. Would you like to listen to it?
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Onto other things. You guys may or may not know about all the crime that’s been going on, but I am beginning to become paranoid, considering most of it involved me in one way or another. I think, obviously, it’ll take time to get over such events.. but I’m glad I have good friends to do it with.
In other, less depressing news, last night Chance and I got squished in an elevator by a bunch of high schoolers in an elevator with one of those portable ipod speaker things. Then we went outside and hung out with Bill, Ben, and Desiree and then Chance turned into the WERE-ROCKER and we fell into hysterics.