Is anyone surprised?
Honestly we all knew that Scooter Libby would never serve jail time, link. This just goes to show how the Bush administration feels about accountability, if the way the Iraq War was handled and their press secretaries weren’t big enough hints. I suppose there is sort of a irony to it all, with some republicans saying obstruction of justice and perjury aren’t strong enough to necessitate jail time yet these were the same people who tried to impeach Clinton the same charges. All I can say is that soon the Bush’s 8 years will be over and America will be better for it, no matter who wins, Republican or Democrat.
Ms. Latina Renee wrote:
It’s time for impeachments.
Posted on 02-Jul-07 at 10:50 pm | Permalink
Emma wrote:
You know what’s funny… I think there was a conversation I witnessed today about blogging about Mister Libby.
Posted on 03-Jul-07 at 2:37 am | Permalink
Joel wrote:
I saw that on the BBC homepage and shortly after got an email from a co-worker with the subject “I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!” I think that it’s safe to say that the whole thing is nothing short of ridiculous and absurd.
Posted on 03-Jul-07 at 10:28 am | Permalink
Tim wrote:
Posted on 03-Jul-07 at 11:22 am | Permalink