welcome wagon.

well, here i am. just flew in from the land of no blogging and damn are my arms tired.
but seriously, folks. i’m katie, and i think i know most of you kids. this is my first concession to the world of blog-ish things. i’m at a loss as to what to share with you, the online community. yet i am excited, and i think i just peed myself with happiness.

so there you are.
things i will be posting about:
illustration (specifically ill 3 and digi ill)
tim toooooooozer and other wonders of mcadia
the rest of my so-called life (god, sometimes i just wish i WAS ms. danes. and that i had my own, hastily cancelled television program).

i also regularly update my lame-o cookie cutter portfolio, courtesy of adobe photoshop. it’s the pretty in pink link.

in news this week, we have the wonderful benjamin’s 21st anniversary of birth. i made him a card that shamelessly glorifies vandalism. enjoy. and if you see my favorite bearded hippie hipster, tell him you love him and wish him a happy birthday. cause really, he’s the best.

Comments (5) left to “welcome wagon.”

  1. Tim wrote:

    Um…. this is NOT Benjamin E. Tham-pee-san we’re reffering to is it? ‘Cause his big 2-1-B-DAY aint till aprils.

    Oh yes, HEWWWO!

  2. Katie wrote:

    DUDE how the eff do i post an effing image?? please help.
    oh, and ps. it’s my boyf, not mr. thompson. he’s not especially hippie-like, now is he?

  3. Katie wrote:

    cancel that. figured it out YAY.

  4. Joel wrote:

    Oh Katie, you’re such a new blogger. :-)

  5. Emma wrote:

    KATIE YAY. I am so excited. Now we can blog 2gether 4ever.