Thoughts upon making this here thingy pretty…

So I was thinking, “What makes websites pretty?”  and I’ve decided.

It’s clip art.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking.  “Clip art?  Psssh.”   Well you need to like, totally shut up, sit down, and then rebuckle the fuck up for the most extensively researched proposal since my last one (if you don’t recall it, the title was “Why drinking pee is ok, but still really, really gross”).  Ok.  So where were we? Right.  Clip art.

Clip art, in it’s earliest conception gave corporate executives and lazy students something to spice up their trite and derrivitive powerpoint presentations.  So that’s what we need.  I mean if it’s good enough for america’s richest and america’s future, it’s good enough for us.  Oh, and preferably microsoft word clipart.  It’s the best.

Ok.  That’s it.  You might say that this was something of a short presentation.  Oh well.  I hope you heed my advice.  Clipart.  Lots of it.  Infact, the most.  I don’t want to be able to read anyone elses words.  I just wanna see pictures of hands shaking and globes and airplanes.  Awesome.  Totally awesome.

Comments (3) left to “Thoughts upon making this here thingy pretty…”

  1. Sam wrote:

    Hey not sure what I feel about clipart. I tried to post and it said I had insufficient permissions. My question is, when is the high and mighty keymaster gonna deem my proletariate thoughts, feelings and words worthy of inclusion on his hoidy-toidy(sp?) bougeouis site? If power is not shared, then are we going to have to snatch it from the claws of our oppressors?

    Power to the people!
    Down with Joel!
    Let me post!

  2. Joel wrote:

    Fine, Sam! You and your “people” win this time. But next time I’ll have some French minutemen and there won’t be a thing you can do about it.

    Tim, I like the way you think. Clip art is totally the way to go!

  3. Maggie wrote:

    Although I cannot promise I will be as witty as Tim, Pat, or Sam or as artistic as Ben, Bill, Joel, or Lindsey. I can promise that this way you can know what’s going on with my life. And you can make a sad, sad little girl feel excepted and loved. So please let me be on your site!