Blerg Bllug Gred

T.O.T.T. apparently stands for “Think on These Things”. People actually use it, I guess. Isn’t that the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard? I just saw someone say it on TV.
After SES ends I always feel like I have both tons of time left and no time at all. I know that most of the Summer is over, but I’m not close enough to school starting that it feels real yet. This is also the time of year that everyone goes home to see their parents, which shortens the summer in a some way, because it means less time to see people before I leave. However, I’ll only be gone for 3 months and during that time I’ll be hanging out with all my way cool Chicago friends. Then, when 3 months are over I’ll move back to ‘apples and find a kick ass apartment. With a deck. And some where to grill.

I’m watching this show (this is the show that brought us T.O.T.T., but don’t let that spoil it for you.) called “Flipping Out” on Bravo. I thought it would be lame, but it’s actually very entertaining. The dude in the show is certifiably insane. He has FIVE psychics, a spiritual healer, and probably some other creepy-weird things that haven’t come up yet. He is also obsessive-compulsive, so it’s like “Monk”, except real. The best part is that he knows he’s crazy and he’s totally cool with it, but still takes his weird shit seriously and scolds his staff for not taking it seriously. I love it.

Bronchitis has worn out it’s welcome, but is still sleeping on my couch and eating my food. F U, bronchitis.

Comments (2) left to “Blerg Bllug Gred”

  1. Joel wrote:

    F U, bronchitis, indeed.


  2. Emma wrote:

    TOTT GOTD. Think on these things getting things done? Joel and Chance, you both have an affinity for curious acronyms. I like SCUBA myself.