the big five-oh

that’s right folks, i finally reached the fifty mark! Seeing how I’m home in Ann Arbor an all during this really fabulous occaison, I figured I would do a really fabby Blast from the Past post. Unforutnately, there will be no Brendan Fraisers.. but there are diary entries, art, and photos awaiting for you… just a click away…
Everyone knows that I am the fantastic artist behind, but did you know? I was once a kid with a piece of paper and a pencil and some chicken pox! (exuse the crappy scans, i severely miss MCAD’s facilities)..
jeez, young me, learn to spell. Also, I’m finding the drawing on the right vaguely Ringu-like. Creepy? Alas, we don’t have time to dwell on such meaningless symbolism, onto the pictures!
Photos of your kids in the pre-digital camera era are so much sweeter than photos of your kids now. Check it out on the left – Blond Emma!?!?! And on the right – hideous neon colors Emma before her brother became taller than her?!?! Also, just for kicks, here is me at MCAD before I knew ANY of you:
look at those awesome buttons I have on my bag. That is SOO arty high school kid. I could show you thousands of pictures of arty high school kid me, but I’m not going to because then I would have to fight the awful HP All-In-One and PC monster.
Katie Wilson wrote:
dude, first of all, I feel your pain with those fucking HP monsters of technology.
Secondly, when I was a small child I had DARK BROWN HAIR, like yours is now. Weird. Perhaps we were switched early on. We do have one middle name that is the same.
Posted on 22-Aug-07 at 5:17 pm | Permalink
Evan wrote:
you look like you were up to no good. knowing you, thats probably true.
also, i believe you did know me at the time of that last photo.
Posted on 22-Aug-07 at 9:24 pm | Permalink
Emma wrote:
No way dude, that was befooore SES.
Posted on 22-Aug-07 at 9:53 pm | Permalink
Allison wrote:
ridiculous! arty buttons all over a shoulder-strap backpack?!?! that was totally me too. to a tee.
Posted on 23-Aug-07 at 12:00 am | Permalink
Ben wrote:
i had the one strap backpack, but no buttons
… does that mean I wasn’t arty enough? I had some duct tape on it, doesn’t that count? C’MON!!
Posted on 23-Aug-07 at 8:50 am | Permalink
Allison wrote:
yes. duct tape on anything is even MORE high school arty. I had some on my pants.
Posted on 23-Aug-07 at 3:07 pm | Permalink