BFF John Woods

I just got the “Top Friends” application for FaceBook.

Jonh Woods, I love you.

Comments (7) left to “BFF John Woods”

  1. Chance wrote:

    HAHAHAHHAHA Johnny Woods WUVS you!

  2. Emma wrote:

    Chance just called me to tell me about this post. I’m talking to him now. He just ate McDonald’s.

  3. Tim wrote:

    Was it good? I bet it was salty.

  4. Allison wrote:

    thats funny, emma… im with YOU right now and you are ALSO EATING MCDONALDS. ohhhh wierd.

  5. Allison wrote:

    you know, after awhile it starts to sound like youre saying “chon-o-witz” or “chanavitch” or something.

  6. Angie wrote:

    Does Johnny Woods know about this? I think I will send him a link…

  7. Brock wrote:

    this is a bastard… can i flag it or make it stoppppp…fFFFFFFaaaaaaaaaa