Hello there, all.
I am in the ‘Midji for the first time this semester. Oh, Bemidji. It is a Saturday night, and guess where the student body is?? NOT in the dorms. Its like a deserted ghost-town like in westerns up in here. I have seriously not seen anyone on the floor since I got here. Its 9:45 and I got here at 2. Amazing! Also in Bemidji can you see the classic midwestern phenomena that is “a family of hicks sitting in the back of a pickup truck chillin out, in the parking lot of an AmericInn and suites.” And this is in downtown.
Also, Alex says hi!
PS: related link to an awesome photographer who’s work is called “Greetings from Helsinki.”
Emma wrote:
Oh god. Barfing EVERYWHERE. Good job, guys.
I caved and ordered a card reader online today. VIMEO, HERE I COME.
Posted on 23-Sep-07 at 12:37 am | Permalink
Evan wrote:
i cant decide if that was ‘dobo or barfy. you could have at least put the remote down. THIS IS SHAMBOT PEOPLE.
Posted on 23-Sep-07 at 1:10 am | Permalink
Ben wrote:
hi bemidjiiiiiii
Posted on 23-Sep-07 at 2:12 am | Permalink
Allison wrote:
oh shut up all of you’s, you know we’s awesome. AND IM ON VIMEO NOOOWWW!!!
Posted on 26-Sep-07 at 10:40 pm | Permalink
Alex wrote:
That remote control is the coolest thing I own. If your remote control had a USB connection, you’dd show it off too.
Posted on 30-Sep-07 at 4:36 pm | Permalink