josh lyman, dear readers

hello shambot. emma and alli here.

one of the perks of being overworked at the children’s theatre is that sometimes you get to meet famous people! Last year we saw Semisonic play, and that was pretty cool.

But this year takes the cake for famous people. That’s right. President Bartlet and Joshua Lyman were on stage, reading about some actually very pertinant and touching human rights issues. I almost cried (due to many circumstances). Anyhow, afterwards we got to see these two brilliant people (Martin Sheen and Bradley Whitford, that is) in person and we kind of wiggled our way into bradley’s path. So, you know, we talked a bit and then he was all “let’s get a picture!” and Bryan and I were all “HELLZ YES”.


AND!! HE TOUCHED!! ME!! And after that.. well.. Alli can tell you what happened after that…

Weeeeeellll. The bar closed down, THATS what happened. And so I was like, lets drink more beer!!!! Who’s is this beer sitting right next to us? BRADLY WHITFORDS BEER?!?! OKAY!!!!! And I proceeded to drink it all. I have bradley whitford germs. And I am loving it. I guess. Thats the wierd thing. I wasnt a SUPERHUGE fan of the man from the westwing until tonight. UNTIL I got to meet him in person, and exchange witty banter with him about how we should all go home and sleep we were all soooooooooo tired! Also, not that any of you will care, but he mentioned how his nine-year-old is in LOVE with High School Musical, and proceeded to sing a song from it, and I peeeeeeed my pants. PEED. The performance he was in wasnt half bad. End scene. Here is me, licking his beeeeer. Its Summit. Classy.

Postscript: other famous people were there too, like Al Franken and Don Shelby (famous WCCO news anchor… I handed him his program PERSONALLY.) and some ER chick with  poof hair…? She was pretty good too.

Comments (3) left to “josh lyman, dear readers”

  1. Bryan wrote:

    I didn’t realize you drank that beer, Alli…that woman who paid $20 for his nearly unused bottle of water would have had a stalker aneurysm. The moment where he made use of the overhead lights to point out his excessive widow’s peak was also noteworthy. All in all, it was a godly evening.

  2. Evan wrote:

    it really doesnt look like you are enjoying that beer. but maybe its just because you turned into a CREEP-O

  3. Allison wrote:

    thats definitely why.