Guys Look at My Photograph.
So, I had some troubles with the winding mechanism in the pentax this weekend. It was overlapping the images just a little eeny weeny bit. But this, my friends, is not just a little bit… It took me a while to figure out what was going on with this image, but then I realized that its a double exposure!! Im awesome!!
I think I need to do this more often… (cliche?)
Evan wrote:
im still figuring out if its cliche or not. im thinking not, because its not really over the top at all, but maybe thats because you didnt know you were doing it. I LIKE IT.
Posted on 08-Oct-07 at 7:24 pm | Permalink
Ben wrote:
YES, camera mistakes are always awesome. You could try doing stuff like this digitally, although it probably won’t look as good and would be hard to replicate. I think it’s only cliché if you do it on purpose, so you’re in the clear on this one.
Posted on 08-Oct-07 at 11:46 pm | Permalink
Emma wrote:
In Emma opinion, it’s only cliche if there’s no meaning behind your doing it. However, as far as your ideas with space (transient and other), I think the double exposure has some meaning. Maybe do like ben says, and try to mimic this on the compy? It coudl produce interesting effects.
Posted on 09-Oct-07 at 4:55 pm | Permalink
Allison wrote:
yeah, in crit today, people said that i should include it in my work, because it isnt obvious that its different than the others. and yes, maybe i could try to do it again, but not too often, because that, my friends, WOULD be cliche…
Posted on 10-Oct-07 at 11:53 pm | Permalink
Timmy wrote:
Initally, I just thought that you were taking a photo through a window, and that you were simply too close for you reflection to not be blurry. Interesting.
Posted on 11-Oct-07 at 4:39 pm | Permalink