a side by side comparrison between an x-men page from the 80’s by Barry Windsor-Smith and a pencil recreation by myself. note: this is not a tracing.  think of it as a lame version of a master’s study (this is an assignment, im not that big of a dork…)

so obviously i was drawing this and was thinking, you know, i could totally put some funny tex in the word balloons and it might work. i think the title would be “Wolverine totally hates Storm’s slutty outfit” but my hand hurt so i didnt bother, but if anybody wants to script it out, id totally consider putting it in if i ever get around to finishing it (that is, as long as it is hilarious).

i also recreated a David Mazzucchelli page, but the BWS was way better. if you want to see it:


my sweet version

thanks to joel vollmer for supplying the art.

Comments (3) left to “”

  1. Timmy wrote:

    Windsor-Smith did the Weapon X story right? Is this from that, or did he just draw X-men for a while? Really cool by the way. Most of the time I hate the way Wolverine is drawn, and even though this is a bit of a re-creation, I enjoyed it. Good work.

  2. Timmy wrote:

    Also, if you like David Mazzucchelli, definately check out work by Alex Maleev. His work is amongst my favorite, and I feel his DD is definitive.

  3. Evan wrote:

    yeah he did x-men for a while. this is just some silly malice/dazzler story by claremont.