PS. I love halloween.

WHAT THE HELL IS SHE SUPPOSED TO BE?!?! A cake? A cheerleader? A stripper jumping out of a bachelor party cake?!!? Halloween: the holiday in which women are encouraged to be the sluttiest they can be. (Although I have to say, this is a super-tame costume compared to most these days…)

Comments (3) left to “JK”

  1. Timmy wrote:

    Boys dress like super heroes, girls like hos. It’s like we’re allowed to live our deepest wants and desires. For boys, we try to be these free, hypersexualized characters, and women as hyper sexualized, free characters. Wait, what?

  2. Emma wrote:

    That is like the most half-assed attempt at a cake I have ever seen. “Sure, let’s just throw a little squiggly felt on there. THAT’LL make it look like icing.” “What about feathers? You don’t find that on cake!” “Crap.. you’re right…”

  3. Alex wrote:

    yeah, the whole anger at women in slutty halloween costumes thing has really exploded his year. This could be a sign that culture may actually be rebounding upon hitting the depths of hoe-ish-ness. This could be the breaking point. Hurrah!