I posted a video a while ago of me eating. Here it is:

Eating Song from billbill on Vimeo.


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(PS- the drums are a live recording from our attic!)
(PPS (or is it PSS?)- could this be our shambot theme song? Or do we need something less/more silly?)

Comments (2) left to “REMIX”

  1. Emma wrote:

    LOVE the remix. A new classic.

    I’d vote it for the shambo theme song. Either that or RobOPERA.

  2. Timmy wrote:

    Remix=AWESOME. I love counting in music. I don’t know why. Examples? Huddle Formation and The Owls Go, full of counting. FULL OF IT.

    It gets ma vote double for theme song-ness. Group shot? ONE GIGANTIC PHOTO OF US JUMPING AWAY FROM AN EXPLOSION?