idle hands are mediocrity’s playground
I got all bored and stuff, so I pieced together a cable that would let me plug my guitar right into my computer. (Usually I would use my mbox with its nice A/D converters, but it’s in MN.) I then started playing around in garage band and made a song! Everything you hear is my guitar and garage band pre-set processors.
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Emma wrote:
I think you need to make sure that everyone who listens to this song has some scented candles in a dark room.
Posted on 12-Nov-07 at 11:38 pm | Permalink
Emma wrote:
okay, I pressed “send” without describing what i meant. I meant that it sounds very meditate mellow out-y. I can’t even describe what I meant! I GIVE UP!
Posted on 12-Nov-07 at 11:39 pm | Permalink