(money = food)
So, as I am sure you are all feeling the pinch of, the semester is almost over. Allison can appreciate with me how awesome the end of this semester is going to be for us both. NO MORE SCHOOL. AHHH. Unfortunately, I have hit that stage in all stressful experiences, where I just don’t want to do it anymore. I am pretty sure that I could stop going to all of my classes and still sneak by with terrible grades, and still pass. (except for the possibility that they give me an incomplete, that wouldn’t be good). I just feel like I have better things to do with my time
Bigger fish to fry. Bigger bucks to make! (money = food)
So that’s it. I’m sucking it up. I have 4 more weeks. A total of 12 class sessions. 1 is today, making tomorrow’s total 11. Can you tell I’ve thought about this??
Oh, and in a final note. The advantage of graduation is PARTYS! For which I will be having one. On Saturday the 15th, in the mid-morning. I will provide more details, but ya’ll are invited, so don’t leave town until the 16th please.
Allison wrote:
i feel your pain, gurl. i dont want to go to another class ever again after today. EVER. im so fucking sick of everything. lets partyyy!!!!
(thats an emoticon. i used an emoticon.)
Posted on 14-Nov-07 at 3:27 pm | Permalink
Katie Wilson wrote:
Dude, you also used “gurl”. I think you’re consistent, at least.
Posted on 16-Nov-07 at 4:24 pm | Permalink