I gots me a mark!

So, any mcadets who have gone through GD1 know all about the mark-making assignment. Its QUOTE Oh-So-FUN ENDQUOTE.

Regardless, it has been possibly the apex of my graduation-cum-meltdown (I’m really into combining words at the moment). BUT I’m feeling pretty solid on it right now. Been plugging away for hours (by skipping work), and have created this:

Enroot Logo Enroot Business Card

Still working on the lovely process book, but it’s coming together, and I’m no longer feeling overwhelmed. Thank God.



11 more days


Comments (4) left to “I gots me a mark!”

  1. tim bramer wrote:

    Nice, I like it! the notch on the card is cool too!


  2. Evan wrote:

    i like the idea and it seems to be working for you. now the more “evan” part:

    -it not being straight (perpendicular) on the card is freaking me out, im hoping thats just a photoshop thing.
    -the vectors are glaring and bumpy. use some curves, it would fit for the organic nature of roots. i would just tighten up the letterforms and bring them inward, right now they throw the eye away from the typography.

  3. Allison wrote:


    AND I LIKE THE NOT STRAIGHT EVAN. stop being so pretentious.

  4. Evan wrote:

    i think you are confusing pretentious with correct.