Hey guys. Emma here, reporting from the basecamp of The Self-Pity Convention 2008. Republicans don’t got nothing on me. I’m having a rough time fitting together school and work, but whatevs. I’ll work it out. Also, I didn’t sleep last night AND TODAY I burned my fingers on steam. So I am treating myself by watching Lost and internetting it up hardcore. Rerewatching episodes of Lost is, like the last couple times I’ve seen them, a religious experience. You understand a lot more after you know what happens down the road. And oh, it is a glorious, Sayid filled road.
Anyhow, during my internetting I found the most AMAZING WEBSITE EVER!!! It’s called American Science & Surplus. It’s a store that seems to be based in Chicago, although there is an online component too. This place is like every little kid’s dream. It’s also like my dream – some of you may remember that earlier this year I was way into buying fake birds to decorate my room with and couldn’t find a good online vendor to do the trick or they were really expensive…. at this place they’re 24 for $3.25!! There’s also squeaking lizards, swinging balls, beakers, a pack of over 600 tiny bottles, AND MORE. I want it all!!