check this out


i found this video online (it should download when you click it, sorry it aint streaming).

this was taken with a cell phone so its really crappy and the people didn’t realize what happened until much later. take a look now…

see it? watch when the camera pans to the guy laying on the grass in the distance. its really brief, but a little creature suddenly appears and bends down to touch the guy! according to the report, the dog in the video suddenly got really frightened and later, the guy had a red triangular mark where the thing touched him.

also check this out…


Comments (1) left to “check this out”

  1. Emma wrote:

    you know, i totally didn’t think about it, but if you liked that UFO monologue and you are interested in UFO accounts in general, you should check out this website:

    They have a lot of transcripts of accounts – I used the missing time accounts to make my missing time books. The way people talk about these experiences is so weird, and it’s even weirder to see it in writing.