Are you there shambot? It’s me, 1.
I have this thing about anthromorphism. Metaphor and abstraction don’t come very easily for me, but for some reason I almost constantly compare things to people. I’m told that this is common among computer scientists and mathematicians, so I had the idea of trying to personify numbers (hence the title, I don’t know about you, but a serif number 1 reminds me of someone praying, pleading or looking up.) It’s really more of a thought experiment on myself, but if you ever wanna tinker with your thinker, try it out for a week.
A first-post BLOB for you:
I thought I’d have to create SOMETHING for my first post, so i did what any uncreative person does under pressure: vandalize other people’s work. No, actually I used my CS3930: Advanced Web Programming skills to change the web page (I’d feel bad if someone at wikipedia actually had to take the time to screen that one out.) Unfortunately the class is only two weeks in and wordpress disables PHP in posts so i can’t program anything really cool into my blog posts.
I’m sure everyone’s sick of talking about how cold it’s been, but I actually enjoyed today. It was 0 degrees out when I left for class but in a way it felt like spring. Any time the temperature jumps 20 degrees over night the next day is wonderful. I notice that when it gets below -10 people tend to walk intently, without expression or distraction. Kinda like robots. Today however, people were looking around, walking in groups, talking, doin’ that “whats up” head thing to strangers that they accidentally make eye contact with. It was uplifting.
Have a nice day!
Edit: Changed the picture, first one was thiiis big (arms across monitor).
Allison wrote:
ooooone is the lonliest number on shammbyyyyy.
Posted on 31-Jan-08 at 6:52 pm | Permalink
patrick wrote:
Cool, more math oriented people on the SHAMBOTS!
Posted on 31-Jan-08 at 11:10 pm | Permalink
Emma wrote:
Alex, this is a triumphant first post. Very intelligent and interesting.
Next time you’re going to have to dumb it down. Picture post, animated gif, penis tennis, something. SOMETHING ALEX. OR ELSE WE WILL ALL FEEL LIKE INFERIORS. AUGHHHHHH
Posted on 01-Feb-08 at 11:26 am | Permalink
Katie Wilson wrote:
Anything penis related, really. We love the dick here at Shambot.
Posted on 01-Feb-08 at 2:41 pm | Permalink
Joel wrote:
I would just like to point out the both Emma’s and Katie’s comments were sent into comment limbo (moderation) because they had the word “penis” in it.
Clearly we must love it!
(it = the cock)
PPS this will probably go to moderation too…
Posted on 01-Feb-08 at 2:45 pm | Permalink
Emma wrote:
(sorry alex.)
Posted on 01-Feb-08 at 2:48 pm | Permalink
Angie wrote:
wow, we are all fantastically mature!
Welcome Alex! I’m super excited to see you!! (virtually)
Posted on 02-Feb-08 at 3:44 pm | Permalink