Totally Different!

Spice up your Sunday night by reading the latest draft of SUPER SKATE!

If my film were a picture, it would be this one.
You may find it completely different than the last draft.


Comments (3) left to “Totally Different!”

  1. Timmy wrote:

    Hey buddy, I really enjoyed this script. While a bit formulaic (which may in fact be the plan), the characters are eventually fleshed out and functional (it did take a few pages to actually tell the difference between Francine and Judy) and the dialogue later on is great. Plus, Super Skate, that’s home turf. Did you get permission from them to film this?

    I’m sure most of us CR kids have an assortment of “fun” Super Skate memories. I for one, loved their (at the time, pretty great) arcade. Hell, I never ONCE won any of their atrocious games, such as pick a corner, or limbo. BUT, I’ll never forget the best song to skate to ever. MORTAL KOMBAT.

  2. ben wrote:

    I never got permission from the real Super Skate. I was thinking I would film it down in CR, but I decided that was a lofty decision, as I was holding auditions up here in less than a few days from when that thought entered my noggin.

    Pick a corner: yes. But I never won. Also, they had LUCKY & WILD! Probably the best arcade game to date.

  3. Emma wrote:

    DUDE i like the ending. It is super cute.