Are you serious?


Isnt that the point of photography to both the artist AND to the average point-and-shooter?

P.S. I found this police warning on Not If But When, the photographer Brian Ulrich’ blog. If you dont read already, then you should definitely check it out. He really knows photography, and makes frequent posts about not only what he is doing, but what other contemporary photographers are doing, and where they’re showing. I know I’m a total photo-nerd but I think it’s a must-read. (I took an online class from him once actually… it was hard.)

Comments (3) left to “Are you serious?”

  1. Joel wrote:

    I took a picture of a building once. It was super artsy and I had a nice lil’ crit of it in class.

    But really I took it so I would remember to blow it up laterz.

  2. Angie wrote:

    it’s a good thing joel is the moderator of comments, otherwise his comment might get moderated for orange level terrorist activity.
    PS – when I was in London, I remember seeing some ads of this nature (although I don’t remember this one), how come america doesn’t advertise?

  3. Chance wrote:

    Great Britain: Making police-state paranoia look like a Target ad since the fall of Rome.