who dat who dat?

hey there. you (directly addressing shambot as a person) remember me? no? oh thats right, I haven’t posted in like five thousand parsecs. yeah its a unit of distance, so what? anyway, im just as busy as all the other mcad shambers and i dont really know how they have time to make their funny videos and websites. i’m hardly able to keep up with everything these days and i certainly have put the old bloggy on the backburner.

but hey here’s a tiny, crappy website i put together to showcase some fine art i’ve been making: destroy evan!

a few of the drawings will soon be in a show at the park-nicolet clinic (weird, i know) and for sales, totally!

oh and i’ve been really into this band “los campesinos!”  their new album came out and people have been liking it. i think bill in particular would like them. other than that, i downloaded about 100 songs from the 90s and have been rocking out on my ipod. a few examples would be:  whoomp there it is, U can’t touch this, guerilla radio, live and let die, mr. jones, song 2, longview, jump around, and the rebirth of slick!  look em up!

Comments (1) left to “who dat who dat?”

  1. Tim wrote:

    Don’t fret dog, I know this guy who did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. Crazy days.